Thursday, March 15, 2012

Free Help Protects City Bus Services. Transportation Companies Are Being Sued For Patent Infringement. Innovation Institute Might Invalidate The Patents That Are The Source Of The Law Suits

Are The Alleged Patents Valid? If The Bus System Patents Are Held Invalid Cities Might Be Free From The Patent Law Suits

Innovation Institute developed many bus tracking system inventions since the 1990's.  It appears Innovation Institute may have been the earlier inventor. By establishing that Innovation Institute's inventor Steven Kays was the first to invent, the plaintiffs suing local cities may not have a legal case.

Innovation Institute's transportation tracking patent applications were filed for over 80 countries.

To win the patent cases, one needs to first look for inventions that were invented before the plaintiff alleges they conceived the inventions. This is done by studying the portfolio of related inventions managed by Innovation Institute, LLC in Fairfield, California.

How Can Cities Protect Themselves From The Law Suits? Steps In Protecting City Transportation Companies From Patent Law Suits Might Include:

1: Check out the interesting inventions from Innovation Institute:
• Technologists can study Innovation Institute's provisional patent rights for the transportation systems.
• Learn about the inventions by using the key word tools at www.InventionMachine.Biz. It's free to look. This is a copy of the patent applications filed in 2006. It may take 15 or more minutes to learn how to use the database functions but it’s worth the time invested.

2: What To Look For:
• Enter needed search terms with wild cards. The “*” symbol attracts words beginning with “track” like “tracking”. Start searching with these terms:
track*, predict*, rout* (for route), buses, cars, vehicle*, travel*, package*, cargo*, passenger*.

3: Bus Invention Machine™ pops out what is available: What pops out are inventions relating to transportation tracking systems. Adaptive Tracking™ can predict when and where a vehicle, passenger or cargo will be arriving. 

4: Compile the interesting transportation tracking invention descriptions needed. How? Copy and paste the paragraphs describing related technology from the 2006 "Genius Adaptive Design" PCT patent application.  The contents are not copyrighted for those helping protect city governments.

Your goal: Show which plaintiff patents might be invalidated by the earlier patent filings managed by Innovation Institute LLC’s provisional patent rights.

Adaptive Matrix™ is the tool that integrates the different sentences and paragraphs from the “Genius Adaptive Design” patent application.  The Adaptive Matrix™ was improved in unpublished patent applications filed after 2006, along with the transportation tracking technology.

Innovation Institute's provisional patent rights date from the 1990's. Evidence of invention conception dates includes the US Patent Office’s old “Documentation Disclosure Program”. The patent application filing process for this technology however dates started January 5, 2006. NothingWarranted.Com

Innovation Institute filed the world's largest known patent applications in transportation, tracking systems.

Innovation Institute can't warrant anything but contact Innovation Institute in Fairfield, California. Help keep public bus systems alive and well, while reducing carbon gases. (1) 707 428-5000.


  1. More details on the problem at

  2. The term for this could be "Counter Trolling" or "Using Intellectual Property To Enforce Corporate Responsibility".

  3. Google search this topic. Use some of these terms like

    Set 1: "bus tracking" OR buses

    Set 2: "Innovation Institute" OR Kays OR "electronic patent rights"

    Set 3: patent OR patents OR inventions OR "intellectual property"

  4. Patent infringement is complicated. Who copies which idea and from where is not always black and white. To be careful check out

  5. Thanks for your experience of CA Patent Infringement but i would like to know more about it that the whole Patent Infringement will be insured.
