Sunday, October 30, 2011

Politics Of Innovation

Politics Of Innovation

What's more important? The first or second point?
• 1: The innovative concept.
• 2: Using the politics of innovation to bypass people's fears of change to great solutions?

Politics can kill innovation when inventors don’t adapt. The chances of politics killing you’re an innovative solution or invention is very high.

Take the creative challenge of adapting your solutions to the mind sets of your audience. While you may not be fully able to adapt, use your honesty and loyalty to show that others may not fear your needed solutions.

Politics Of Innovation Is About Adapting & Growing

• Like in biology, non adaptive inventors have a harder time.
• Most Of The World Won’t Understand All The Benefits Of The Best Solutions Even When They Are Handed It Right Into Their Hands.  Fear, Miss-understanding & More Are The Problems. Why Successful Innovators Adjust To Market Forces To Nurture Their Innovative Ideas.
• Benefits of an invention may outweigh the non adaptive factors of an invention.  But why not adapt things as best you can?

Politics Of Innovation Group:
New open forum for constructive brainstorming. OK to make relevant links to your blogs and sites.
Was started by Steven Kays who conceived 1987’s best seller “Closing of the American Mind” at University of Chicago with political scient philosopher Allen Bloom.

Philosophy of Creative Thinking - Transcend Culturally Bound Thought Patterns: www.MagicalGenius.Org is for inventors, artists and creative minds who enjoy out of the box poetic and philosophical reflections on what makes people conform and what makes them think outside the box.

Other Views On Politics & Needed Change:

Book “The Politics Of Innovation” by Tom Axworthy © 1972

Biotechnology paper from Harvard © 2003:

Innovation Institute Blog: focuses On Innovative Subjects Including Adapting Innovative Solutions To Market Needs. Mostly geared towards startup business news; interesting gadgets; other electronic inventions; electronic patent rights; trends and predictions; science; and innovative news.

Solano Progressive News (business and politics).

Steve Jobs: © Dec 2010

Tools: Free Tools For Engineers and Inventors Seeking Adaptation Technology.

Top 5 Adaptive Inventing Links
From Innovation Institute LLC:
• Political Science philosopher & Inventor Steven Kays’ favorite links:

Disclaimers: This and linked blogs contain opinions that may not be substantiated by all the facts. BlogDisclaimers.Com NothingWarranted.Com BrainstormRights.Com © October 2011 February 2012

Follow Innovation Institute’s Brainstorming About The Politics of Innovation

Adaptation: Best Free Adaptive Technology Links

Best Links On Adaptive Technology
Trends & Future On Adaptive Electronics

Your Future Virtual Assistant. She Will Learn Your Needs & Adapt Accordingly.

Adaptive technology is revolutionizing electronics.  Adaptive electronics will soon be acting just like your skilled private assistant.

Adaptive User Interface™ learns user needs, then personalize themselves to match user needs.

Free Online Adaptive Tools:
• Free Electronics Tools On Adaptation, Trends, etc www.FreeInnovationInstitute.Com
• For Inventors, Electronic Patent Searchers & Patent Attorneys: Adaptive Invention Machine™ www.InventionMachine.Biz. 
• Adaptive Invention Machine™ and Adaptive Marix™ stem from the raw version of the biggest published patent application on adaptation

New Electronic Technology Mostly Written For Lay People: www.ElectronicInnovationInstitute.Com


Electronic Patent Rights In General:

Sample Adaptive Inventions:

Increasing creative thinking skills for inventors tinkering with adaptive inventions:
• Philosophy of creative thinking, and adapting inventions to market needs. Politics of innovation. www.MagicalGenius.Org
• “Closing of the American Mind” 1987’s best seller conceived by Steven Kays. Publisher: Simon & Schuster.
• Creative results statistically go up when it’s safe to think without repercussions.  Self censorship inhibits free flowing imagination.  Trying to make it safer for brainstorming on this and linked sites: and Ask what safety precautions you instill within your innovative organization.

Prolific Inventor Of Adaptive Electronics:
Steven Kays has the world’s most known adaptive electronic inventions & adaptive technology patent applications. IBM, Microsoft, Apple and thousands of other electronic manufacturers may be using Steven Kays’ inventions conceived since the 1990’s. Follow what inventor Kays and Innovation Institute, LLC are reading and sharing.

Top 5 Links To Follow:
• General Articles:

Follow Top News, Adaptation Trends & Adaptive Technology Predictions

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Follow Innovation Institute on LinkedIn, FaceBook and Twitter

Discover top trend predictions on tomorrow's innovations.  Business news, electronic gadgets, intellectual property strategies, inventor tips and more. Mostly free.

You Can Follow Innovation Institute, LLC via LinkedIn, FaceBook and Twitter

LinkedIn: www.LinkedIn.Com/in/InnovationInstitute

FaceBook: www.FaceBook.Com/InnovationInstitute

Twitter: www.Twitter.Com/Innovation_Inst

Innovation Institute, LLC established in 1984 offers free inventor tools: Novelty IQ Test TM, Adaptive IQ Test TM, InventionMachine.Biz database tool for patent research, Innovation Institute TM computer based training.

Top Free Innovation Institute Tools: Invention Generation Machine, Predictions, Patent Rights Tools, Economic Development

Top Free Inventor Tools From Innovation Institute, LLC

Free Invention Machine™:
Patent attorneys and patent searchers can use the inventor's Adaptive Invention Machine™ tool's electronics database www.InventionMachine.Biz

Free Innovation Predictions, Trends & Invention News:
Visit ElectronicsInnovationInstitute.Com

Free Electronic Patent Rights Tools:
Top links to start learning about intellectual property rights Search patent databases

Free Economic Development Help
Create jobs in your city by researching, developing or manufacturing inventions. A portion of all royalties in your country can go to the government or non-profit organization that helps create jobs. Consider one of the inventions at for development.

Free Creativity Enhancement Ideas:
For gifted people who are too creative for much of society. Learn to adapt creative intelligence to current market needs. Reduce people’s fears by staying loyal and ethical.  Keep a light sense of humor. The upcoming revised Politics Of Innovation™ and Innovation Institute™software tools developed at University of Chicago in 1981 can also help.

• Inter-Disciplinary Views On Innovation:
• Quotes About Innovation:
• Brainstorm Rights:
• Top news and predictions on future innovations. Solutions for today and tomorrow. Technology and beyond.
Share profits with your city’s government, NGO or innovative charity.

• Nothing is warranted: The free electronic tools are beta are being brainstormed for improvement and may have electronic patent rights
• Depending on the user and charitable need, the following can be free to certain applicants:
Patent pending Innovation Institute LLC inventions in electronics;
Novelty IQ Test™; Innovation Institute™ computer based training; electronic R&D results.

Enjoy Free Innovation Institute Electronics Resources

Monday, October 17, 2011

Computers Merging With Human Minds. Singularity Institute Shows Computers Becoming An Extension Of Human Intuition

Today's Computers Merging Are With Human Minds.

Singularity Institute Shows Computers Becoming An Extension Of Human Intuition

Technology to support a much wider range of functions come from Innovation Institute (often more in the box than Singularity Institute). The computer - mind merge details for international patent attorneys, patent agents and patent searchers at www.InventionMachine.Biz

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Giving Exclusive Patent Rights As Way To Lure Manufacturers. Can Create Local High Paying Tech Jobs.

Innovation Institute Is Offering Exclusive Patent Rights As Way To Lure Manufacturers To The Investor's Home Turf. This Can Create Local High Paying Tech Jobs. It Also Offers Another Way For Investors To Help Their Local Communities.

Will offering electronic patent right packages become a popular way of generating local economic development?  Innovation Institute predicts using electronic patent rights leverage for economic development is an an excellent option when governments lack funds. Innovation Institute has offered a prospective 2% of royalties to local charities or economic development only if the inventions are partly manufactured in that community.

The sample hot electronic inventions have received positive marketing analysis so far.

Innovation Institute LLC's main office is in Fairfield, capital of Solano County in California. Information is covered in SolanoBusinessNews.Com.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Nothing Is Warranted

Nothing Is Warranted
Only Opinions

No warranties are made.  The opinions may be wrong or incomplete. It's just brainstorming.

Nothing is warranted about the material you received. That is material linking you to this page may contain errors. What you are reading is just an opinion. It is the reader's responsibility to verify the information is correct. It should be clear that what you read or hear may not be correct. 

The following goes into detail on what an opinion is.  It explains that discussions on something do not make it factual. Statements about others are opinions. Statements on the following are also just opinions: news, ethics, inventions, etc.

Details On This Disclaimer:

No Implied Warranties. Information Probably Contains Errors. These Are Opinions. Kindly Use Common Sense. Carefully Read The Below.

Were you directed to this page from another authorized site?  If so, the service, information or invention you read about is not warranted in any way. 
Note: The site directing you here might even be untested, possibly dangerous in some way, or cause serious harm. This applies to sites affiliated with Innovations Institute LLC, and AIM™ plus others permitted to link to this site (this site normally doesn’t have legal rights to stop others linking to this site).

Warning Applies To Authorized Sites:
• Nothing on sites given permission to link to this site is warranted.
• All agreements must be in writing:  Do not rely on verbal information. Important agreements must be notarized.
• Don’t rely on info from a website that links to this page without first consulting your attorney, business consultant with experience in the field. Web search the subject you are interested in. Get a wider perspective on the situation.
• Sites linking here may be very creative and innovative. Expect beta sites to have errors.

Do Your Research:
• Get alternative views on interesting subjects at hand. Use authorized sites as a creative tool to start searching. 
• Discussing negative things is brainstorming versus slander. Any statements that might be construed as negative about others are unverified or need further verification.  Said negative things also are one or more of the following: brainstorming; sarcasm; an attempt to collect a debt; discussing a subject matter as a way to get deeper into the truth. Let's work towards discovering the truth from different angles and not have the discovery process construed as possibly slanderous.

Listen & Read Carefully:
Did you miss words like "maybe" in what you read or heard?  Let's imagine things turned out different from how you imagined. It is silly to look back at the facts you want to remember ignoring the rest of the picture. For example this page states there may be errors. One can't look at jus the facts they want such as hearing "make a million dollars or euros", without also remembering that the phrase included the word "maybe". Were you to say sue company XX for failure to deliver, the company can win the case then sue you for their legal costs and time waisted on silly law suits.

Defining “Nothing Warranted”:
Ask your attorney about the broad warnings given. As used in authorized sites, the term “Nothing Warranted” also means:
• Google the legal ramifications of no or limited warranties. Research: "no warranty", "nothing warranted", "not assuming liability", "avoid liability" and/or "avoiding liability" for starters.
• Nothing in any manner or form is 100% certain. 
• Just Opinion: Statements are opinions unless expressly stated that they are facts.  Yet there probably are missing facts. As in life, every story or perspective has at least two sides. Don't take the opinions or allegations as fact.
• No implied warranty.
• The blog, concept, service or invention could be in beta phase. Expect mistakes.
• No agreements are made except via notarized contracts. There are no spoken promises and no spoken warranties.
• Brainstorming: This creative site page and innovative links are for brainstorming, and exploring beta ideas. See BrainstormRights.Com for simplified explanations.
• Expect errors.

Authorized Sites:
This page may be accidentally linked form a party this blog poster does not know. This page is not liable for anything happening on this page, or sites linking to or from this blog.

Draft Content:
• Beta content provides ideas to stimulate imagination. Beta content on authorized sites does not offer the conclusive say on any matter.
• Beta content is part of the Intercultural Engineering™ and Innovation Institute™ patented or patent pending systems, methods, software and electronics designed to improve creative thinking.
• Material might be translated and/or have errors from speech to text conversion. This is especially apparent when incorrect words are used, even if they are rightly spelled.

Speech to Text Conversion Software Makes Mistakes:
More people are using software converting speech to text. There can be gross errors, many of which are funny. Some errors would not be funny and can be completely incorrect.  Check that the digital content you received is correct before assuming the worst.  This applies to: text messages, emails, word documents, blogs, etc.

Avoid Problems Before Hand
To minimize problems consider the following:

Read the contractual warranty (if any) before you buy. Research through the links and search suggestions on this page what an ironclad warranty gives you.

Consider the reputation of the company backing their ironclad warranty. Check with the Better Business Bureau and if you have a business account, ask Dunn & Bradstreet or other credit reporting services have on the company you may do business with. Any ironclad warranty is only as good as the company that stands behind it.

For electronic invention warranties, use the electronic invention according to the manufacturer's instructions. Abuse or misuse may void your written warranty coverage.

Verify website and site link value: Expect errors. You should analyze the following about the site: validity, creative value, timeliness, completeness, innovative economic viability, safety considering innovation is by nature beta, and legality. Without exception the site content provider and host are not liable for possible damages were you to rely on the website’s content.  Again the site is strictly a brainstorm tool as explained on sites like BrainstormRights.Com. Collect the site’s innovative ideas only to stimulate creative brainstorming. Next verify the validity of the fruits from your brainstorming with your attorneys, business consultants and others.

Brainstorming Rights & Encouraging Creative Thinking
• Brainstorming is encouraged. Read the important BrainstormRights.Com site to increase your creative thinking skills and explore indemnifying brainstorming.
• Brainstorming creative thinkers and inventors need to be protected from liability.  This encourages innovation.  A final electronic invention sold in stores as something other than a prototype does come with implied warranties, because the electronics manufacturer should take due diligence in making sure electronic products are safe and not going to cause them liability.

Goal Is To Encourage Creative Thinking:
• Worrying about liability while brainstorming is proven to often reduce people’s degrees of original thinking. Studies show this applies more to brainstorming about non-safety topics and when there’s less of a deadline.
• This site and sites linking to this page are designed to encourage creative thinking. Let whatever ideas come up flourish. It is the reader’s responsibility to then filter good from bad information, business ideas, safety precautions, innovations, inventions, etc.
• Important details at BrainstormRights.Com

Resolving Disputes:
• Remember “Nothing Is Warranted”. But if there is another matter that needs resolving consider these steps. A verbal complaint may not be enough. Write your complaint along with suggested solutions.  If you’re writing is not replied to write again and call. 
• The website that linked you here prescribes to first having mediation by teleconference, then if possible in person in Solano County, California. Should mediation sessions fail, plan to work with the American Arbitration Association in Solano County, California. The loser should pay all the winner’s legal costs (as permitted by law and AAA)

Step 1: Write to the organization clearly explaining your problem, along with your full contact information.

Step 2: Carefully weigh all sides.

Step 3: Set up a mediation meeting in Solano County.  The most cost effective Solano County conference room rentals are Fairfield, California. Solano County research dispute resolution programs can handle disagreements in Fairfield. Solano County consumer protection offices can suggest Solano mediators in or near Fairfield, California.

Step 4: Contact AAA (American Arbitration Association) in Solano County. Be prepared to pay the high fees they charge.

Additional Warnings
More things to think about are on these sites: BlogDisclaimers.Net and BrainstormRights.Net and BetaContent.Net. Remember the disclaimers on the site leading you here. Hire licensed consultants for backup help even if you think you know everything there’s to know. The public is requested not to link to this site, but if you do, don't use these or other disclaimers as a shield from slander or libel when you are deliberately acting in bad faith.

Intellectual Property: Inventions, Trademarks, Trade Secrets, Copyrights
No absolute claims are made to originality of any intellectual property. Statements such as "Mary invented XX" are opinions. More disclaimers on intellectual property include: Trademarks are at TrademarkDisclaimers.Com. Stealing other's intellectual property is at PossibleInfringer.Com and ProvisionalPatentRights.Com plus InfringementDisclaimers.Com. If your material is copied, then make sure to contact the party appearing to have stolen your intellectual property, and provide ample evidence for your claim.

People sometimes might need to lighten up. Don't confuse humor or brainstorming with facts or a concrete suggestion for doing something. Statements made in humor are opinions. Humor hopefully has  a useful side helping other's learn and grow to become better, more ethical people.

Use Common Sense
Laws vary by city, county, state (province) and country.  Find out which country's or regional laws a person may be making reference to should discussions be of a legal nature. If any aspect of this page does not apply, then the remaining portions shall apply. You agree to indemnify sites linking here from errors.