Monday, March 18, 2013

Free Patent Rights

What’s The Best Way To Help Charities? Consider How Effective It Can Be To Just Give Away Free Technology.  It’s Given Away Free On Condition The Receiver Brings The Technology They Received Out To The World In A Good Way.

Excellent Way To Innovate Our Planet:
Effective Way To Make Huge Changes On Plant. How? We Give Away Free Inventions.  Those Commercializing Our Inventions Gets Exclusive Patent Rights.  Free Patent Licenses Given To Organizations That Make A Positive Difference.

Free Inventions Used To Help Good Causes:
People In Coachella Valley Are Needed To Help Give Out Free Patent Rights To Organizations Committed To A Better Planet.
Apple, IBM, Microsoft, Pandora.Com, Panasonic and countless more have commercialized • Inventions worked on by Steven Kays. Over 10,000 Commercialized Inventions.

Free Training Also Offered:
• Learn about the booming invention industry: Rancho Mirage’s Invention Springboard seeks to train the managing Affiliate.
• Free training for business minded individuals who want to learn how to make money with one of over 20,000 inventions they can select from.
Over 10,000 Inventions Have Been Commercialized.

Learn How To Make A Better World By Giving Away Needed Technology:
It’s Often Better You Don’t Yet Have Invention Or Legal Experience: We need people to take a fresh look at how patents are used in the world.  You must possess lots of marketing experience. Great opportunity to learn and enter the booming field of new inventions.

Interesting Inventions Available:
• Educational toys for disadvantaged children.
• Adaptive Guides ™. Examples: Computer training programs for bright children growing up in deprived environments. Retraining bright adults denied jobs for being considered too old.
• Environmental Protection.  For example: Green house emission reduction. Poaching Trackerizer ™ tracks and catches international poachers of endangered species. Poaching Trackerizer can monitor illegal logging as well.
• Crime Apprehension: White collar crime tracking and incarceration.
• Reducing Health Epidemics: Easy systems to reduce spread of new viruses such as SARS.
• Inventing Machine ™ has unique tools to further improve people’s inventions.

Free Training Also Offered To Both Affiliates & Start Ups:
• Free Rancho Mirage training for bright people. Looking to enter the lucrative patenting field? We are seeking bright adults of all ages. Just one excellent invention idea might later let one retire.
• Learn about the booming invention industry: Rancho Mirage’s Invention Springboard seeks to train the managing Affiliate.
• Free training for business minded individuals who want to learn how to make money with one of over 20,000 inventions they can select from.
• Learn while you work. Training certificates might be available for your resume.

Over 20,000 Inventions Available From The Inventing Machine ™:
Discover great inventions. The invention concepts have been invented. They are ready to be commercialized. Example inventions:
• Audio
• Catching criminals.  See
• Cell phone technology dealing with poor connections.
• Cost effective office solutions. Adaptive office space rental solutions.
• Helping Youth: helping kids tackle addiction to video games or alternatively offer interesting Adaptive Games ™ which teach new life skills.
• Home health inventions
• Non profit management systems
• Quality control such as for nuclear safety innovation
• Writing tools for professional writers

Global Leaders For Adaptive Inventions:
We offer over 5,000 ways your current technology can be improved. Adapt ™ technology first learns the user’s needs, then adapts the system’s functions accordingly. Examples of inventions we work with are systems that learn your music preferences and suggest ideal songs such as Pandora.Com

Why Write Blank Checks To Charities? 
• Why waste valuable charity dollars? Instead let the free technology license do your work of helping the planet. Our program is better than writing blank checks to charities. Bigger impacts possible. Let people know they can make a bigger difference by not donating cash – but instead join us in giving free patent rights to get needed innovations out in the world.
• This is a more cost effective way to improve the world than just by writing blank checks to Coachella Valley non-profits in Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage, Cathedral City, Palm Desert, Yucca Valley, Indian Wells and La Quinta. Learn more about electronic patent rights and the new product licensing cooperative.

Helping Those Who Will Help Others:
The patent rights give the needed push to commercialize the needed incentive to bring out needed technology. Adopters of the inventions keep their patent rights as long as they follow the contract and do good things while they can choose to also earn a profit.  Too many charities waste donated money through inefficiency and waste.

Are The Electronics You Are Buying Today Already Outdated?
• Invention Springboard has inventions that make most of today’s high tech goodies already out dated.
• Are your devices and computers really as energy efficient as they can be? Are they adaptive?
• Our interesting inventions cover over a thousand areas from electronic gadgets to toys, and green technology to security protection.

Qualifying For Free Patent Rights:
• Is the organization forward thinking?
• Are there yellow flags from those seeking the free patent rights? For example do they exhibit flaky or unethical behavior?
• There are any number of ways organizations can help make a better world. For example some applicants help the environment, others donate a share of profits to charities. The invention can be manufactured where the licensee decides as the licensee is taking a financial risk. Promises to assemble it in or near Coachella Valley remain a definite plus. Every Coachella Valley or U.S. applicant is very different. You can help decide which organizations are more worthy.
• Screen out flaky applicants with unreliable histories, bad credit.
• Free patent rights are offered for the US market.  If the applicant appears worthy, we can benefit from their success in the US market by licensing the invention in up to 80 other countries. I.E. by giving away the patent rights for free, we can leverage their success and manufacturing economy of scale to other markets.  We can reserve the right to buy their production line at cost plus their 5% markup.
• We have more inventions to license than we have the time to market. So we’re pretty flexible on who gets the license. Only one of the inventions needs to be a great hit.

Help Give Away Exclusive Inventions:
Energetic people are needed to give away the smarter technology to ethical California companies that are shown to have cared for the environment, and their clients. Getting black listed by say Better Business Bureau is grounds for denial of free intellectual property rights.
• Using intellectual property as a tool to bring more good into the world: Patent rights gives the organization commercializing our inventions exclusive rights.  Exclusive international rights protect the investment made the investor in our technology they license. This protection is the needed inducement for the forward thinking organization to invest in the electronic technology. There are more details and keep in mind that NothingIsWarranted.Com
• You need to live in or near the following: Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage, Cathedral City, Palm Desert, Indian Wells or La Quinta.
• Business training is conducted in Rancho Mirage and the headquarters in Fairfield California near Napa.

Sample Invention License Agreement:
Checking out the license agreement helps better understand how the business side fits together. The sample invention license does not necessarily have to require an earnest money deposit even though deposits are a form for showing that an applicant is less likely to turn out to be flakey. Also check out more electronic inventions patent pending around the world.

Follow The Rancho Mirage & SF Bay Area Inventor:
• Twitter: the same as www.StevenKays.Com

Do you live in or near Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage, Cathedral City, Palm Desert, Indian Wells or La Quinta? Please email something about yourself to: 
“CoachellaInventions ~at~ InventionSpringboard.Com”.  
Thank You.


  1. More Companies Might Give Free Inventions Used To Help Good Causes

  2. Free Aquarium Invention Concept. Better than other aquarium set ups because this: is lower maintenance, saves energy, and might even reduce exposure to carcinogens. Set up the tank yourself using this invention's free information:
