Thursday, February 9, 2012

Silicon Valley's Haves & Have Nots. The Prosperity Gap Widens.

Employment Is Rebounding For Some In Silicon Valley But Not Others. Looking Into The Silicon Valley's Haves & Have Nots. The Prosperity Gap Widens And Widens. Like Much Of The World - The Income Gap Continues To Worsen.

Silicon Valley innovators especially 43% of area households exceeding $100,000 a year have much to brag about. Silicon Valley innovators with health insurance, and teens graduating high school are also doing well.

Read more about the Silicon Valley innovators and have nots

1 comment:

  1. The poor are more effected by rising California gas prices than the wealthy.

    See how a few Northern California city council members in Fairfield indirectly keep gas prices higher by making it tough for green technology innovation to get a foot hold.

    It's shocking!
